Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It's Been Awhile...

It's been quite a long time since I put my sweet little Ashlyn in front of my camera--studio-style. I can tell you this: Confining a toddler to a small space and then expecting them to pose this way and that is almost irrational. Yet when I asked her if I could take her picture wearing angel wings, SHE SAID YES! I was able to photograph her for all of 10 minutes and she was through. Once you look through these, you'll see her booboo face. At that point she was finished. No, these aren't posted in the order they were taken. I just wanted to post them. :o)

But nevertheless, I just love my little Ashlyn. I've been so emotional about her lately. She'll be 4 years old in a couple of months and then starting preschool in the fall. I have that knot in my throat right now as I type this out. I don't want my little girl to grow up. As her mother, I am so proud of her. Of the little person is becoming. My sweet little angel.

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